
April 11th, 2011:
Due to certain situations, we will not be able to host the event. It is a bummer not to be able to execute this event, because great things were in store. However, this page is for a project for my public history class, and so the ongoing conversation I am having with individuals about the page is completely uplifting! Thanks to everyone for the support!

April 4th, 2011:
It is OFFICIAL! On behalf of the College Democrats of America Black Caucus, an event will be held in April at Nazareth College of Rochester! The day and time had to change because the panel which was to be used, cannot make it on the original planned date! HOWEVER, there will be an event in April! SO, tell a friend to tell a friend to support! Of course the event will deal with education, and the importance of diversity in education, so you won't want to miss! See you there! 

March17th, 2011:
As of today, DutyNow is waiting for the finishing touches to the interview we gave a few weeks ago! We are very excited about what the person we interviewed has to say, and DutyNow KNOWS you will enjoy reading every bit! Also, within the upcoming months, an event, which will be partnered with The Frontier Center for Urban Education will be taking place at Nazareth College, and another College in the Rochester, Ny area! This event is in conjunction with the College Democrats of America, and is being held to promote educational awareness! More details on that coming shortly! Today is MLKJ day, and MLKJ was a man of great service, also a champion for education! Please take the time out today to get involved, maybe by spreading the word of this online journal (hint hint), and support positivity!

March 7th, 2011:
With the overtake of republicans in the house of representatives, the idea of cuts in imperative institutions of the United States has been presented. Talks of cutting 20 percent of funding in the department of education has been on-going, so what exactly does this mean? It means millions of children who need special education services will no longer be receiving it due to lack of money. It means those students who are in impoverished areas will be cut off from an education which liberates. To some, this is not a scary thought. However, it is usually students in inner city settings which meet the criteria of receiving the short end of the stick.... not so much the special education services, because many students, no matter the location, need special education is those students who are living in a climate of poverty who will be hit hardest. Please, call your senators, and fight against cuts to education! Our YOUth Begins With YOU!